Department Policy on Academic Dishonesty

The Klipsch School believes that academic integrity is of the utmost importance and has a strict policy regarding acts of academic dishonesty.

  • Any act of academic dishonesty (e.g., cheating on an exam, copying a homework assignment, or unauthorized use of AI tools)
  • Any act of academic dishonesty will be included in your student file, in a sealed envelope, to be opened only in the case of a subsequent act of academic dishonesty.
  • Regardless of the severity of the acts, two acts of academic dishonesty will be automatically referred to the Dean for disciplinary action.


The general process for determining cases of academic dishonesty is as follows:

  • The process generally originates with the course instructor in which the academic dishonesty occurred. The instructor will meet with the student(s), present evidence, listen to student explanations, determine the penalty, and inform the students.
  • The student(s) may appeal an instructor decision to the Department Head. An appeal must be in writing and received within 5 working days from the instructor decision.  The Department Head may find for or against the instructor decision, or may decide to impose a different penalty.
  • The student(s) may appeal a Department Head decision to the Dean. An appeal must be in writing and received within 5 working days from the instructor decision.  The Dean may find for or against the Department Head decision, or may decide to impose a different penalty.


More information on Academic dishonesty can be found in the Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs, and the Student Handbook.